Enjoy the extended daylight of summer as we spend the evening outdoors enjoying a picnic among friends.
Please bring chairs or a picnic blanket, table settings for your family (including beverages/water), and a dish to share.
We'll gather at the fire ring near the North entrance, directly across from Shelter #2.
Upon this night, we settle about—our hopes rising like the patient moon.
We are one, a flame reaching towards heaven, touching the wind.
Our work is still before us as the journey calls, our lives are not embers, but sparks
spiraling northward like tiny nymphs. We dance among the trees in silence finding the
light as it spreads across the fields, out against a screen of sky, flumes of smoke flicker
and throw back the grey veil of our dreams, for it is in the heat of our hearts, we are
passing the torch to another world and leaping across the fire into the future.