Festivals & Special Events
It’s custom in Waldorf schools to recognize the importance of festivals, which provide a sense of rhythm to the seasons. The festivals we celebrate often often have a cultural or historical significance, and offer an opportunity for students to learn about diverse traditions.
Festivals also provide a chance for families, teachers, and students to come together and build a sense of community.
In Waldorf schools, festivals are not just about the celebration itself, but also about the preparation leading up to it. Students may participate in crafting decorations, preparing food, or rehearsing musical performances. **
At City of Fountains, we celebrate five festivals throughout the year, which are all eagerly anticipated and heavily attended:
Michaelmas | September/ October
We celebrate inner strength and courage at the “festival of strong will”. Dragons are a central theme of Michaelmas because St. Michael, who represents courage, is traditionally pictured subduing a dragon. The primary idea behind this celebration is to inspire children to face their own challenges – in other words, their internal and external dragons. Because Michaelmas falls near the equinox, it is commonly associated with the beginning of autumn. Michaelmas serves as an important reminder for students and parents alike to use courage through the colder, darker Winter months.
Lantern Festival | November
From France comes to us the legend of St. Martin, who met a poor beggar wearing only rags and freezing in the cold. Upon seeing him, Martin took his own cape from his shoulders, tore the garment in half and covered the poor man to warm him. Many cultures and religions celebrate similar themes of caring for others and carrying the light into the darkness. In class, students will make their own lanterns, which will light the way as we walk together in the night.
Spiral of Light | December
A large spiral of greens is laid out on the floor with a tall brightly-burning candle in the center. Each child walks with their own unlit candle until they reach the center. Upon lighting their candle, they move outward, finding a home for their lit candle along the spiral pathway. With each child's candle, the spiral is brought to light. This passage reflects Winter's darkness drawing to an end and the renewed promise that Spring light and life will begin again.
Mayfest | May
We finish our school year with this springtime celebration, which typically takes place on the last day of classes. Flower crowns are created and adorn the children's heads, handmade jump ropes are spun, outdoor games are played and, of course, there's dancing around a Maypole. The mood is one of joyful gratitude for the school year at a close, and the rejuvenating interlude of summer.
Midsummer Bonfire | June
We gather for a celebration linked to the summer solstice since ancient times, and widely celebrated across the world. For some it is also closely affiliated with the Feast of St. John the Baptist, cousin of Jesus and a wilderness profit. St. John preached a message of metanoia, “a deep calling to change our selves, our ways of being, ideally to serve others”. His message is easily aligned with the symbolism of Midsummer bonfires – one of purification and amplification of the Light within. Our festival focuses on the levity and gaiety that the out-breath of summer brings, as well as our connection to each other that allows us to truly feel the warmth and power from above and within. Let the children feel their strength and fire. We reunite to enjoy the extended daylight of summer and spend the evening outdoors among friends.
Special Events
Trivia Night | Friday, Oct. 11, 2024
Trivia Night is a hilarious evening of fun and friendly competition. It's the perfect opportunity to connect with friends old and new, and enjoy a night out with fellow COFS parents, staff and supporters. Congrats to 2024 Champions, The Waldorfians!
Chili Supper | Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025
This cherished Winter tradition promises a night of delicious chili varieties, exciting activities for the children, lively conversations for all, and the warmth of friends and family coming together.
Click here for more information about this family event.
Spring Soirée | Friday, May 2, 2025
More information about this adults-only Spring celebration coming soon.