Acacia Moore
Wind Rose Kindergarten Lead Teacher, Co-Founder
Acacia has been an educator for almost twenty years, beginning her teaching profession with a B.A. in Art Education from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. She has taught in a variety of settings from homeschool to public school, to Waldorf and LifeWays, educating children from birth through high school. She was a founding member of City of Fountains and taught the first grades enrichment class before moving to Norman, Oklahoma in 2013.
In Oklahoma, Acacia participated in the expansion of the Rose Rock School where she and her family lived for seven years. As the faculty-in-residence, she was a lead early childhood teacher and worked intimately in the running of the school.
She received her LifeWays Early Childhood certificate in 2016 and later joined the LifeWays teaching staff in a training hosted at the school in 2018. She has studied anthroposophy (the foundation of Waldorf Education) for over a decade, and completed a variety of Waldorf teacher’s courses, workshops and intensives over the years. Her latest endeavor is completing a three-year curative education training from the Mulberry Center for Curative Education.
Upon returning to City of Fountains in 2020, she led a grades class for a year and Integrative Arts and Movements classes for two, before settling back into early childhood. She is currently the Director of Online Courses, Blog Coordinator, and member of the Board for LifeWays North America, a national early childhood educators training organization.
Outside of school, Acacia relishes in the art of homemaking in a multigenerational household. She loves challenges and all that makes us live life wide awake. She is frequently outdoors working in the garden, walking in her neighborhood, hiking or playing with her family, and appreciating all things magical. She is also a fiber artist, writer, avid reader and novice beekeeper.